The iPhone 13 has no interface design, which can be restored/upgraded by wireless

It is rumored that Apple’s latest generation of iPhone 13 will adopt a non-porous design, and the transmission and charging will be fully wireless. It will not only be fully changed to wireless charging and wireless system repair, but also hidden holes to prevent users from connecting to the computer to reset the system or downgrade iOS.

iPhone 13

According to reports, Apple’s latest generation iPhone 13 will adopt a non-porous design to achieve full wireless transmission and charging. It also adds a hidden connector design similar to Apple Watch. In addition to the need to remove the boot panel, it also needs to use a special SIM card connector. It can connect to hidden jacks to prevent users from reverting or downgrading iOS at home. If the iPhone freezes during the upgrade, you can only go to the Apple Store to repair the iOS system or replace the device.

Although there has been a wireless reset of Internet Recovery in Apple, the non-porous design of iOS requires more filing. The current wireless transmission speed is too slow, and Apple cannot open it to the public. According to the source, after testing, the wireless reset host speed is 2.5 times slower than the wired average, and Apple’s two wireless reset host solutions, the first is to let the computer iTunes / Finder scan to the manual settings under the WiFi network To the device in Internet Recovery status, restore/upgrade iPhone according to the prompt. The second solution is to directly put the device into Internet recovery mode and follow the instructions to restore/update the device.

It seems that Apple’s comprehensive interfaceless design still has certain difficulties. Therefore, it is also rumored that the 120 Hz update rate of the iPhone 13 will be equipped with no “M” screen, quad lens and Touch ID return, which is worth looking forward to.

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