France requires electronic products to specify the difficulty of repair

In the past, electronic products could be disassembled and repaired, but now it is quite difficult. In order to reduce electronic waste, the French government has encouraged electronic product manufacturers to lower the maintenance threshold of their products in recent years. Recently, they have begun to require manufacturers to list maintenance difficulty indexes on product introduction webpages.

New laws recently implemented by the French government require manufacturers of smartphones, laptops, TVs, washing machines and lawnmowers to disclose the difficulty of their repairs. The maintenance difficulty index is based on whether the structure of the product is easy to disassemble, and the difficulty of getting parts and so on. Due to this new regulation, Apple recently also listed the maintenance difficulty index on the official online store in France.

Apple products have always been known to be difficult to repair. For example, last year’s iPhone 11 series received low scores of 4.5 and 4.6, while the iPhone 12 series improved to 6 points. On the computer side, it has a score of 5.6-7. The French government hopes that such a system will allow manufacturers to develop products that are easier to repair. At present, only about 40% of electronic products will be repaired if they are damaged. After the launch of the plan, the target will be raised to 60% within 5 years.

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