US cardiovascular medical team measured iPhone 12 MagSafe can interfere with pacemakers

Magnets are an indispensable part of many mobile phones, but Apple’s introduction of MagSafe technology that relies on magnets in iPhone 12 has caused concerns that mobile phones and accessories will interfere with pacemakers and defibrillators. When the iPhone 12 series was launched, Apple had mentioned in the official support document that MagSafe might interfere with the above-mentioned medical devices. It also recently updated its official website to remind users not to put iPhone 12 and MagSafe accessories close to their chests.

iPhone 12 MagSafe

Earlier, Gurjit Singh, a cardiologist at the Henry Ford Heart and Vascular Research Center in the United States, and his team conducted experiments to confirm that the built-in magnet of the iPhone 12 does interfere with the cardiac defibrillator. The team placed the iPhone 12 Pro close to the chest of the patient with a defibrillator, and found that the defibrillator was interfered and stopped working until the iPhone 12 was removed and the defibrillator immediately resumed normal operation.

The team wrote the results of the experiment into a report and published it in the medical journal Heart Rhythm. The team originally thought that the built-in magnet of the mobile phone would be very weak, but unexpectedly interfered and stopped the defibrillator. Dr. Singh was surprised by the results of the experiment. There are many heart disease patients around the world who have implanted pacemakers or defibrillators. Dr. Singh reminded them not to put their mobile phones in the chest pockets of shirts or jackets, because it may have fatal results.

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