iPhone may not provide a charging cable

When the iPhone 12 was released, Apple used environmental protection as a reason to decide that all new iPhone packages no longer provide chargers and EarPods headsets. Some consumers said that they already have a large number of chargers at home and switched to Bluetooth headsets, believing that Apple’s move is not a problem, but there are also voices saying that Apple is just to cut costs while forcing users to buy original accessories by themselves.

iPhone 12

Recently, the website 9to5Mac received information from readers, saying that it received Apple’s survey on iPhone users’ usage habits. The questionnaire asked whether users would use the items in the iPhone package, such as USB charging cables, SIM card slot removal pins, and classic Apple Trademark stickers, etc. Although Apple did not express the purpose of issuing the questionnaire, some foreign websites interpreted that Apple intends to cancel the USB charging cable and the SIM card slot removal needle in the future iPhone packaging.

Another question in the questionnaire is related to the face recognition function Face ID. Apple asked users whether they are satisfied with this function and what are the reasons for dissatisfaction. Earlier, there were rumors that Apple was considering providing Touch ID fingerprint recognition in the new iPhone. In fact, the power button of the iPad Air released this year also has a built-in Touch ID function.

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